Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00


We are solely Cambodian-owned construction company registered locally under the prevailing laws of the Royal Cambodian Government which intent to cater to the growing opportunity in the construction industry brought about by the political stability in the country.

MENG HONG ING BUILDER Co., Ltd. was the original name of the company and has been in existence during the period of UNTAC (United Nation Transitional Authority in Cambodia). During those periods, MENG HONG ING BUILDER Co., Ltd. was fortunate to be a part of the humanitarian operation of UNTAC in construction and renovation works required by their operation not only in Phnom Penh but also in other parts of the country.

With the present management team of dedicated and dynamic personnel who possess a wide range of experience in various field of specialization, the company is now preparing to diversify into other areas of opportunities. Such diversification includes strengthening and improving prevailing technical capabilities and moving into different areas of specialization. Such expansion is evident in the creation of our new Maintenance Department. Where the company hired expatriates to manage and operate the new business venture. 
The company aims to be a part of the development of this country by rendering services in the scope of Cost, Quality, and Time. Which means, the company’s intention is to execute any job at a reasonable cost with high acceptability of workmanship by adopting internationally accepted standards/codes and construction methods as well as its timely completion.

To be a well-known company in the construction industry.

  1. To be the employer of choice.
  2. To build buildings and products with quality of construction.
  3. To build a long term relationship with customers by providing good service which is the expectation of our customers.

Contact Address

Company Name: Meng Hong Ing Builder Co., Ltd
Date of Registration: February 26, 2008

Address: # 380AB, St. 284, Sangkat Olympic, Khan Cham Carmon, Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 223 858
        099 966 988
        012 936 001


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